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A Note on Asking the Internet for Marriage Advice

The Midwest

A Note on Asking the Internet for Marriage Advice

Is It Normal to Hate Your Husband? Oprah says that the answer may surprise you.

Hating Your Spouse Isn’t the Red Flag You Think It Is according to InStyle. 

In fact, Goop says It’s Normal to Occasionally Hate Your Spouse.   

I Hate My Husband. Now What? Redbook recommends concentrate on what you do like,  

before pointing fingers conduct a self-check-in. 

I Hate My Husband, writes Dr. Wyatt Fisher.

He thankfully also has Four Ways to Reverse It.

Because reversing hate is easy as unlearning to ride a bike,

uncreasing a slip of paper, unbruising a peach. 

Don’t lie,

Don’t criticize,

Don’t offer advice unless asked.

And finally, have grace while your husband is learning.

Normal Marital Hatred is Real. And The Washington Post knows exactly what to do about it.

Women’s Health knows what to do too, If ‘I Hate My Husband’ Crosses Your Mind.

Hate is as casual as a crossword puzzle, communal as fondue, a short-lived sharpened pencil. 

The New York Times writes that Marriage Requires Amnesia.

Like commitment to ongoing head trauma, or prolonged labor,

two patients in bed with drip bags,

popscience columnists, Dr. Wyatt Fisher, administering advice like anesthesia one tweet at a time.

Do I hate my husband? I can’t remember.

Oh, wait, yes, I definitely do.

Healthline dot com has identified 12 Tips for When You Feel Like You Hate Your Partner.

Marriage dot com has identified one more.

Don’t let emotions spill over.

Avoid the blame game.

Instead of focusing on fear, focus on the positives.

Plus, ten other notes on how to change your perspective.

Be sure to follow all the steps. 

Read this article together. 

And if you find yourself asking What if I STILL Hate My Husband,

sinking down into a dry tub,

secretly scrolling,

pretending to bathe, 

pretending that a little hate is normal,

that a little hiding is normal,

a little panicking, heart-thumping, scared he’ll see this, see me all twittery,

trapped and typing is normal

Remember this is all part of matrimony.

But, just in case, to be safe, tap tap CLEAR and it’s history.

Rekindle the romance with new thoughts. New cookies.   

Check out the doctor’s How to be a Better Wife,

or tune in to the Dr. Wyatt Show, available wherever you stream your marriage podcasts.

*All articles referenced above were published between the years 2019-2022.

Katiy Heath
KATIY HEATH is from Saint Joseph, Missouri. She is the author "Focus Group Archives," a column at Catapult Magazine. Find her other writing in HAD, CHEAP POP, X-R-A-Y Lit, and more about her at