Est. 2008

Est. 2008

Cassie Mannes Murray

Cassie Mannes Murray is a literary agent at Howland Literary, where she started from the bottom with a cold email and a dream. Before she weaseled her way into publishing, she produced a robust blog called Books & Bowel Movements, and taught English in the public school system (the best job ever). For writing, she's received a notable in Best American Essays 2020, and a nomination for the Pushcart Prize, and her work has been featured in The Rumpus, Story Quarterly, Passages North, Hobart, and Fugue. She lives on the coast of North Carolina a few hundred feet from where crews recently filmed a Swamp Thing reboot where she is earning her MFA in creative nonfiction at UNCW. She works on the interior design for Ecotone Magazine, and considers herself a swamp thing too.

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