Est. 2008

Est. 2008

Chris J. Rice

Chris J. Rice is an artist/writer who settled in Los Angeles after earning an MFA from the California Institute of the Arts. A former foster child, Chris aged out of the Missouri foster care system decades ago. Over the years she’s worked as a field hand, nurse’s aide, preschool teacher, newspaper researcher, corporate trends analyst, and public librarian. While the industry’s ageism is always a demon, at sixty-nine Chris feels more excited than ever to put her work out in the world. Her writing has been included in wigleaf’s top 50 (very) short fiction, nominated for a Pushcart, named a prizewinner in Hunger Mountain’s 2016 Creative Non-Fiction contest, and selected as an editors’ pick in LONGREADS Top Five of the Week. She has been published in [PANK] OnlineThe RumpusCatapultEntropy Magazine, Pithead Chapel, and, most recently, Tasteful Rude, among other literary journals.

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