Est. 2008

Est. 2008

Colin Fleming

Colin Fleming's fiction is due from The Hopkins Review, Boulevard, Denver Quarterly, The Literary Review, Cincinnati Review, and AGNI, and has recently run in Post Road, Black Clock, and the VQR. His work has appeared in Vanity Fair, The Atlantic, The New Yorker, Sports Illustrated, Boston Magazine, and Rolling Stone, and he's a regular contributor to NPR's Weekend Edition. He is completing a novel about a reluctant piano prodigy called The Freeze Tag Sessions, as well as a nonfiction work, Same Band You've Never Known: An Alternative Musical History of the Beatles, and a memoir, I Am Not Like You: A Broken Man's Attempt to Write His Way Out of Hell One Story, Book, Deadline, and Note-to-Self at a Time.

By this author:

Fire With Legs

Fording the Street