Est. 2008

Est. 2008

Excerpt (Fiction)

Baby of the Family: An Excerpt

1979 The repeated, echoing bangs of the shutters during Hurricane Mattias, that violent, threatening...


       Methylophilaceae Amber shared a wing. It was in her mouth. She had killed a bird and laid part of it on our...

Paris with Mandy

Rachel came home for her summer break with a dog, a standard poodle. I had just put down my dog. She was sixteen, my sweet...

Complex 2675: Issue Two

Mary studied the man in front of her. She had never seen him before.  “I’m Mary, I live here.” Mary stood holding her broom in...

Complex 2675: Issue Four

The stairwell door slammed shut, the noise echoed but didn’t drown out Mary’s voice.  “…but then I thought, what kind of secret would Vanessa and...

Complex 2675: Issue Three

Sarah heard the suction of the patio door above her open. She didn’t know the freak that lived above her but she had heard...

Complex 2675: Issue One

Mary dreamed she died. She woke drenched in sweat. Her breath slipping in and out. And she knew something was different. She swung her feet over...


Catherine comes home to her parents asking ‘How was school today?’ and Catherine she says ‘Today we discussed bears.’ ‘Bears?’ says her parents. ‘Bears’ says Catherine. ‘Why in...

Commitme| Co| Commitment

For example: Do you lik me? Check yes no * For example, afterwards, her brother used to write...


NuBot arrived on a Monday. A custom model designed by a specialist out in Appalachia, she had Bluetooth connectivity, a soft nest of auburn...