Est. 2008

Est. 2008


I Am Having A Funeral

I hate this place. I come here each morning at nine a.m. I am greeted with the frigidity of the security guard, dour and...


Tensing had said little during the drive and just navigated the potholes—gaping cavities now because of the...

Obliterating History – a guitar-making mystery, domination & submission in a small town garage (excerpt)

When Frank MacLean hears his wife's car pull into the driveway, he logs off the online dating site and deletes his browsing history. He's...

For the Benefit of Others

Whenever my mother explains why she does things she resents having to do she says, noblesse oblige, nobility demands it. She tells me we...

Portrait #37, in Red

“You should have forgotten their names by now,” Mike said. He sat in the driver’s seat like it was a living room chair, his left...


Carla wasn't a waitress, but she played one in the diner. What she really wanted to do was take photographs. She used to tell...


When I was a child, in my backyard, there grew a sapodilla tree. In the summer my parents would send...

Traces of Hugh

Veronica stormed off set and just kept going. She blotted her sweaty, heavily made up face with the linen scrap she kept in the...

Stop and Jack Bean

Many problems still remain, but I am not angry. Why is that? I live in this room and that is all that I do....


I’m parked kitty-corner from Lisa Scoccar’s one-story prefab, squinting into binoculars against the bald May sun, across her open yard of rutted dirt scattered...