Est. 2008

Est. 2008



She has been watching Will play baseball in the park across the street, watching him bend his entire torso, the long, thin ankle of...

From Klara

I’ll come back if you need me. I’ll know if you are feeling lost. And now it is night and you have left my...


I told you over lunch, where Kaiser buns seemed to sprout cucumber through a sheet of spinach, what I thought about Alec Melnyk, the...


1. Sauntering down Aisle 6 at the 24-hour Dominion grocery store, Lee is cradling an overly large zucchini. It sits inside the sleeve of his...


-1- The Jesuits place a high value on the written word, so much so that they hire an outsider to run the literary magazine....

Daughter (from Daughter)

It was insistent, the corpse, in the daughter’s careful execution of the process, as if the octopus was asserting its physical presence all the...

The Itinerant Potraitist

In Indiana, the itinerant portraitist wears a sweater and smokes a cigarillo. Richard Hawkmeat is his name. From fourteen up until the age of...

In A Big Enough Country

When the sun sets over the mountains the sky becomes a royal shade of purple. Then it all turns a kind of bubble...

Descendent of Sappho, a Story with a Modicum of Truth.

She knew little of poetry, nothing of Sappho, other than a book she had found on a shelf in the used bookstore. Walking as...

We Are Nearing Swartz Bay Terminal

The seagull hovered for a moment, then landed on the hood of David’s car. “Look at that thing,” David said. “It’s going to shit...