Est. 2008

Est. 2008


The Breast And Brian Franca

You were an early bloomer. Let’s go with that one. Yes, you had breasts when you were still undressing a Barbie doll to examine...


I had a friend who, over the long course of many years, gradually began to take on, as if by a process of osmosis,...

The Dictator

There was once a dictator who cringed every time he saw someone of his profession fire a gun up into the air. It would...


My father was fond of telling me I didn't have what it takes to get by in this world. Who knows, perhaps he’s right....

Black and White Man

Once there was a man who was only black-and-white. His skin was the white of skim milk, with grey shadows where his veins beat....

The Low Ice

In the afternoon, when the nurse pulls tight the sheer curtains, Benton puts me in his dreams. It’s me and his son Ronny outdoors,...

France the Ghost

Frances the ghost is going to school: She is dressed in a white sheet with two holes for her eyes and that makes the...

It Gets A Bit Lonely

Seeking good times! You: Sexy lady. Age/race not important. RBT This was what Robert’s ad on Craig’s List said, not that I ever look at...


During their last meal Louis had said that he would call her at the end of the week. Exact words: at the end of...


Gregg clawed his way to the top of the sand hill, his flip-flops wedged into one back pocket, the Kodak Styelite into the other....