Est. 2008

Est. 2008


Jack and Meg White in 2011 (An Alternate History)

  Jack’s boy, Boy, was living at the Hotel Yorba. One of his admirers was footing the bill, though not Jack Meg gathered.  It was the...

Eat Me When I Die

In the middle of my preserved rainforest, I watched a white-headed Capuchin monkey throw itself off the highest branches of one of the last...

The Impossible Self

“What happened was the transformer outside the house started shooting sparks,” says Frank like he already told me this and is wondering why he has to...

Half Abstraction, Half Object

The realtor’s feet were strange; her shoes looked like bricks. She clomped up each stair while telling them how her late-husband (bless-his-soul) rescued her...


It starts at dinner one night. She’s been home with the children all day (because it is summer; and because they decided early on that...

We Wives

Every celebration starts the same. On the morning of the Fourth of July we close off the cul-de-sac with bright orange traffic cones, pull card...

La Piñata

That was the most busted-up car he'd ever seen. A wood-paneled station wagon like he hadn't seen since he was twelve and dared Pigeon Nelson (whose...


For a short time I dated a tow-truck driver and on weekends I would ride around with him as he impounded illegally parked cars. I...

Romance Language

She texted Manon at the top of each act. She texted her through the toréador’s aria. Un oeil noir te regarde, just checking in. When we...


On evenings she didn’t have to work, Ruth locked her bedroom door and masturbated to distract herself from the ache, rotating through the collection of vintage...