Est. 2008

Est. 2008


Jonestown, Japantown

After reading the letter once, Truth called to her son, Cuffy, who was now six years old, in the next room. “Let’s take a...

Pull Me Under

Excerpted from Kelly Luce’s novel Pull Me Under. Available now from FSG. Order here. The news of my father’s second and final death arrives by FedEx. I push...

Dev: A Tale of the Vietnam War

Fort Dix was everything a modern Army post should be, self‑sufficient, self‑contained, a world unto itself beyond whose bounds a...

Conflict Zone

Leesa Dean is a graduate of the University of Guelph’s Creative Writing MFA program and teaches English and Creative Writing for Selkirk College in...

Castaways and Worry Dolls

What the fuck was wrong with the goddamn speedometer? If there was one, simple thing Brianna really needed right now, it wasn’t better wheels,...

Animals in the Garden

The house where I live is the last one on our street. There is a front garden of flowering plants surrounding the lawn, the...


Since moving to New York I’ve owned six copies of Valencia, but I keep losing them to girls. The first and most important came from...

Courtship in 2184

Joan took special care with her scars that morning. She used the expensive glue and the smallest brush and worked so slowly that her...


I never suspected myself one of those people to marry because of an unexpected baby, but three days after Stefanie peed on a stick,...

The Program ™

Things had gone badly, and badly in ways she couldn’t have imagined, not for herself, not for anyone she knew. The story had been...