Est. 2008

Est. 2008


The Confluence of Birds, Language, and Mammals

  The Confluence of Birds, Language, and Mammals 1 Hummingbirds are my favorite. I love their iridescent plumage, but I think I’d be a mockingbird were I...

A Privileged Psychosis

The white woman on my laptop screen speaks in soothing, low tones, her voice plodding and patient as a doting elementary school teacher. She...


The therapist asks, Is there anything else we should know about? No (except I’ve been gaining and losing weight for years, probably since I was...

Notes on a Christmas Bombing

When I wake to a huge explosion on Christmas, 2020, I want to believe it’s thunder, but outside the window there’s not a cloud,...

The Buddy System

That summer, the one before our eighth grade year, the year of the world’s first artificial heart transplant—latex gloves, silver scissors, a man’s open...

Mother Root

Three weeks into my trip to Taiwan, I went hiking with a Taiwanese man in his seventies who called himself David.  The sun was...


My mother sets fire to the family sofa when she’s three years old. Woodrow Wilson is President and Marcus Garvey is selling tickets back...