Est. 2008

Est. 2008


Traces of Hugh

Veronica stormed off set and just kept going. She blotted her sweaty, heavily made up face with the linen scrap she kept in the...

Stop and Jack Bean

Many problems still remain, but I am not angry. Why is that? I live in this room and that is all that I do....


I’m parked kitty-corner from Lisa Scoccar’s one-story prefab, squinting into binoculars against the bald May sun, across her open yard of rutted dirt scattered...

Jenna On Twitter

Jenna is tweeting when she’s supposed to be painting. Ennui is the religion of my generation. The singer of her favourite band updates his own Twitter...

Thieves With Tiny Eyes: an excerpt

The Blackbird This is supposed to be a love letter. The relationship will start in tears. One of the girls, in the hallway, will spit...


She was bending down, red robe held tight, reaching for the newspaper, when it happened. The paper, wrapped in a pinkish plastic bag slightly...


It’s not easy, being green. —Kermit the Frog I could feel Jordan’s hands working up and down my back. He tweaked my shoulder blade and my...

That’s How Wrong My Love Is

A while back, I watched a pair of mourning doves in their nest every day, watched as one then the other sat on an...

Folsom, Survivor

1. MYSELF & THE CITY My name is Folsom and the most important fact of my existence, as determined by others, is that I survived...

Rat Girl Rat Boy

In Marcia’s favourite book, Cinderella’s stepsisters had thin carroty hair. So did Hansel and Gretel’s mother, and the wicked fairy who wasn’t invited to...