Est. 2008

Est. 2008


Lawn Enforcement

Baba comes back to Dublin, Ohio from his two-week trip to Kolkata on a sunny Saturday afternoon. After hugging his family and taking his...

The Immortal

It struck Edward in the middle of his follow-up prostate exam—Dr. Beller’s gloved fingers searching his rectum like one might search for the perfect...

The Horowitz Compromise

  I. Paul and I are arguing about the penis of our unborn son.  “It’s genital mutilation!” he says to the open refrigerator, removes a large container...

Little Do the Fires Grow

Darren can hear the sound of footfalls in the next room. They must be his father’s—brisk, decisive. Every step comes down with the force...

What Will You Do Today to Transform Your Life?

  First Potato             Did you know that the first potato ever grown in what would later become the United States of America was grown in...

Critique My

My friend Puma had an opening the other day for her solo exhibition at a gallery in Mitte, Berlin. It has become a kind...

Another Opening

Dad was dead, that’s the start.   The story is this:  My brother James and I were visiting our falling-apart father at his home in Birmingham, Alabama,...