Est. 2008

Est. 2008



  Inez shaved her head the day after. She didn’t make the connection between her impulse to go bald with what had happened. She simply walked...


Another cockroach crawls through my hair. I lift its body, watch its legs wiggle. I hate to kill anything, so I flick him into a...

The Purple Baby

A flower crown wasn’t the solution. But my younger sister Rachel kept trying to get my older sister Sarah to weave her camellia into a...

Parts of Us

We watch men in sweaters shoot guns. They’re in their sixties, lined up hip to hip, crotches of pleated slacks pressed firm to the firing...

A Space Cowgirl’s Book of Comfort Food Recipes

Forward Ladies, do not go out with a journalist. And if you do and that journalist gets hired to head the Outer Hebrides bureau and he...


Mom told me before she died to go to Jake’s house if I ever got into trouble. So, that’s where I’m going. I’m not...


On her and her sister’s thirteenth birthday, Alison locked herself in the bathroom and gave herself bangs. An hour later, her twin, Amber, sat...


We went to a desert town once. Stepping out of the car, though, I felt underwater—breathless and panicked. I hadn’t known a place...


Two days earlier I’d texted Saul about his birthday. It was the end of November. He was turning eighteen. “aww, u remembered,” he said. I didn’t...

I Can’t Hear You

“I want to leave you,” I say against the grinding of machinery and whoosh of air that accompanies the passing subway train. He doesn’t...