Est. 2008

Est. 2008


The Zales Game

Julia was not a woman given to magical thinking, one of those Whitmanesque souls who saw God’s fingerprint on everything from Orion’s belt to...

The Resurrection Act

Earl set the keys to the ash-colored minivan on the motel room’s nightstand. He moved the keys to the desk made of fiberboard, and...

The New Coast

When the earthquake hit, Doyle Hooper was out on the very tip of Cascade Head. The initial shock threw him to the ground and...


She comes in at two a.m., closing the door slowly, wincing theatrically at the click of the latch, so used...

Romeo No. 3

Robert don’t need no help pulling girls, now. But when the Dream Date came to Burrell for its Hometown Hunks series, I just had...

Winter of Departures

Recently, at a neighbor's memorial, I saw a young man in uniform press a button inside the barrel of his bugle, his white gloves...


I hit the brakes at a stop sign and look in the rear view mirror to do my lashes. The 1980 Chevy Cavalier is...

Cow Dog

I used to live alone before I knew you The cow dog is no more, and almost a year later now I grieve for him...

Ghosts Can Be Boyfriends Too

I woke up again, the feeling of empty weighing to one side of the bed. I heard Derek again in the other room, talking...

The 37

I had never ridden a bus before, not a city bus, not a bus where you stood at a bus stop and buses came...