Est. 2008

Est. 2008

The West

Private Viewing Mode

“I just think it’s best,” Alana said, convincingly, “if all companies retired their consumption of single-use plastics.”Damn. She got to that one first. She...

Artist Alley

The convention center was full of the Sunday blues on the last day of Rose City Comic-Con. Saturday night bar-con engulfed comic industry professionals...

How to Chop an Onion

“One real thing is closer to God than all the diagrams in the world” – Robert Farrar Capon It starts underground. Twofold, really, the growing...


Breezes blowing through a bougainvillea vine I’d recently trained to the eaves, its afterglow crimsoning the painter and me standing in the open doorway...

Love Song

“Of course the cleanest room in my parents’ house is my dead sister’s,” Henry says. The gold metal threshold separates the hallway and her...


Do you remember how it begins? (Maybe:) You are four years old, lying on a cobblestoned floor. It is New Years. Outside, your mother is...

Last of the Long Hot Days

Los Angeles, September 2020. Five years since my mother’s death and I want to see mountains, feel ocean on the air.  My husband, Jon, and...


My great-grandpa José arrived in El Paso, TX by way of barbed wire. He walked through Mexico deserts, his legs carrying him amongst the...